Dear Twitter User:
Before you hit “send,” please consider:
- What’s urging you to send this tweet? (a) anger/rage; (b) contribution to the national dialogue on a topic; (c) fun; (d) gaining notoriety.
- What requires that you send it now? (a) I’m shocked and I want people to I know it; (b) if I don’t send it now, my tweet will be buried in hundreds of thousands of others; (c) I’ll forget about it in like 30 seconds; (d) I won’t reach my target goal of followers.
- Is this tweet likely to embarrass/offend/harass anyone? If yes: (a) I don’t care, because of my Constitutional right to free speech. (b) I don’t know; I really haven’t thought about it and anyway, everybody seems offended about everything these days; (c) the only person my tweet is aimed at deserves the slam and I’m not thinking about anybody else right now.
- Is there any possibility that your comment may be wrong factually, or run contrary to a sense of ethics or morality? If yes: (a) I’m tweeting alternative facts; (b) whose ethics and morality? (c) I don’t understand the question.
- If public pressure or your own change of heart/mind prompted you to retract your comment and issue an apology, would you: (a) send another tweet apologizing to everyone you may have offended; (b) apologize, but cite other sources as prompting your hysteria; (c) construct your apology so that you’re really not apologizing for anything, since that’s honestly how you feel but you know you need to “look good.”
- In the event you need to issue an apology, here’s a handy outline:
- Regret: I am (sorry/sad/disappointed in myself/regretful) that…
- Responsibility: I (did/said/offended/hurt) you. Hint: Be as specific as possible in naming/describing the offensive behavior.
- Recognize the harm: I realize that my (words/actions/neglect/failure/omission) had the impact of (hurting/offending/embarrassing/violating/humiliating/damaging) (you/your family/our family/our community etc.). Hint: If you don’t know the impact on your victim, try to imagine; or ask them.
- Restitution/repair: I intend to make up for this by (paying money/changing behavior/ fixing what I damaged / turning myself into the police)
- Change future behavior: I will make sure I never do this again by (joining AA/ seeking counseling/engaging an accountability partner/ swearing off Twitter, FB, other social media)
- Request forgiveness, if appropriate.
- Check: If your apology contains any of the following words, re-work it so it’s declarative instead of conditional: if/but/maybe/perhaps/might/any.
- Check: Is anything stated in passive voice? Re-word it so the subject is doing the verb. (Example: Instead of, “mistakes were made,” say, “We made mistakes.”)
- Check: If your apology includes an explanation for why you did what you did, drop it. Save that until your victim asks you what on earth you were thinking.