Author Archives: abfifer

Apology Atrophy?

A recent column in the New York Times by Jessica Bennett (“Hes’s Sorry, She’s Sorry, Everybody is Sorry. Does it Matter?“) notes that public apologies just don’t seem to be making us feel better these days. Where ten years ago the public apology seemed like sufficient punishment to restore the offender to society, now it […]

Celebration Church Lawsuit

It’s a little harder to celebrate at Celebration Church these days. The church, based in Jacksonville, Florida, is embroiled in litigation. The church’s trustees ousted its founding pastor, Stovall Weems, in January, and he has filed a lawsuit against the church, seeking reinstatement and demanding an investigation of “any and all wrongdoing.” The church countered […]

Proposed Michigan Rule Could Impair Christian Arbitration Clause

In my post of February 11, 2022, I wrote about legislative initiatives that could prevent arbitration clauses in contracts between Christians from being legally enforceable. Today I examine a judicial effort that would have a similar effect. Most world religions exhort their adherents not to sue one another, but rather to resolve their disputes within […]

Legislation Could Affect Christian Arbitration

It’s not uncommon for a contract to contain a “dispute resolution clause,” describing the process the parties will use if they have a dispute down the road regarding some aspect of their contract. Because Christians are not supposed to take their disputes to court (I Corinthians 6:1-7), many contracts between Christians – including churches, ministries, […]

Enforceability of NDAs

Following up on my post on November 27, 2021, regarding mediating Non Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), two scholars have just written an article for on the legal enforceability of NDAs. They cite only a few cases, but conclude that courts are signaling “a willingness to rein in the most egregious abuses” of NDAs where they […]