Author Archives: abfifer

Universal Disclosure Protocol for Mediation

Michigan mediators have been wrestling with what they must disclose to potential mediation parties, especially since the Hartman case. That was the divorce case where the mediator did not disclose to the husband or his attorney that she was good friends with the wife’s attorney—such good friends that she flew to Florida to spend a […]

Confidentiality in Mediation: Tyler v Findling

The Michigan Supreme Court upheld the confidentiality of mediation in a case decided last year, Tyler v Findling. The facts were somewhat unusual; the statement in question was made by one attorney (Mr. Findling) to another attorney, outside the presence of the mediator or the other mediation participants, and it did not concern the substance […]

Disclose Does Not Mean “Disqualified”

Mediators and arbitrators are required to disclose to potential parties any facts that might make them appear impartial. The arbitration statute in Michigan requires potential arbitrators to disclose “any known facts that a reasonable person would consider likely to affect the impartiality of the arbitrator…” including a financial or personal interest in the outcome of […]

Good advice on how to say sorry

I often blog about public apologies–the Washington Post’s list of top ten celebrity apologies for 2021 is a treasure trove–, but what we really all need help with are private apologies, the ones we need to make to friends and colleagues as we go through life. A podcast on NPR, “Life Kit: How to say […]

Should Christian Organizations Use NDAs?

In my post dated November 27, 2021, I addressed some of the problems with Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs). In this post, I want to examine their role in the church. Many Christian organizations – churches, ministries, parachurch organizations – have resolved disputes with claimants by requiring them to sign an NDA. The same concerns about NDAs […]