Category Archives: Apologies

Philippines President Regrets Statement

Philippines President Roderigo Duterte made a comment to a reporter Monday that sounded like he used an expletive to refer to President Obama. The next day he issued a statement saying, “We regret it came across as a personal attack on the U.S. President. We look forward to ironing out differences arising out of national […]

Ryan Lochte Apologizes for Behavior in Rio

U.S. Olympics swimmer Ryan Lochte posted a statement on Instagram today, after it came to light that the armed robbery he reported in Rio last weekend wasn’t quite that. Lochte told an NBC reporter last Sunday that he’d been robbed at gunpoint, but he omitted that he and three friends had damaged a men’s bathroom […]

Justice Ginsburg’s Statement of Regret

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg gave some interviews last week (the Associated Press, CNN, The New York Times) in which she expressed her personal opinion about the prospect of Donald Trump as president. Her comments about him were not kind, and were widely criticized as inappropriate for a member of the Supreme Court. […]

Apologies in Medical Cases

A recent article on CNN highlights the difference it makes to a medical patient when the offending physician/institution apologizes versus when it refuses to acknowledge its error. In the case where a woman’s son died due to hospital error, the hospital immediately apologized, explained to her how it had occurred, provided some financial compensation, and […]

Columbine Apology

The mother of one of the Columbine shooters told the families of her son’s victims last night on TV, “I’m sorry.” Sue Klebold, mother of Dylan Klebold, broke her years-long silence in an interview with Diane Sawyer in anticipation of release of her book, A Mother’s Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of the Columbine Tragedy. […]