Christian Contract Clause Could Help

Reports that recently-terminated Calvin University President Wiebe Boer is suing his former employer bring sadness: another lawsuit among Christians. This dispute could have avoided court altogether if the parties had included in their employment contract a clause to that effect. The Institute for Christian Conciliation has long promoted its contract clause for that reason: it signals parties’ intention to resolve any future disputes privately, within the church. It’s possible that such a dispute resolution clause is in the contract, and Dr. Boer either missed it or believed it did not apply. That would give Calvin a chance to point that out, and the court would likely enforce the clause, directing the parties to resolve their dispute in accordance with the contract clause. In the published cases where courts have had opportunity to evaluate the ICC contract clause, they have consistently enforced it, as indicated on the website page about the clause.

PS – Happy to see a report on June 14, 2024, that the ex-president dropped his lawsuit against Calvin University.