I’m sorry that this isn’t an apology

Mr. Sepp Blatter, former president of the international soccer association FIFA, was found guilty this week of ethical violations by the FIFA ethics committee, and was barred from taking part in any soccer-related activities for the next eight years. He has said he will fight the suspension. He has been under suspicion of ethical violations for many of the 17 years he has been FIFA president.

After the suspension was announced, Mr. Blatter called a press conference to make a statement beginning with the words, “I’m sorry…” but it was not an apology:

“I’m really sorry. I’m sorry that I am still a punching ball for FIFA, …  and I’m sorry for football … I’m sorry for FIFA, which I’ve served for over forty years. I’m sorry for the 400-plus team members. But I’m also sorry about me, how I’ve been tainted in this world of humanitarian qualities.”

It might have been more accurate had he substituted the word “sad” – or even “mad” — for “sorry.”

By starting off with the words, “I’m sorry,” his audience might have been lead to believe that he was going to apologize. But an apology includes remorse and responsibility for one’s actions, and Mr. Blatter apparently feels neither. At least he was honest!